The Mother Ranch Blog

Parts, masking, & neurodiversity πŸ§ πŸ’ž

Jan 18, 2024

In Gestalt coaching we sometimes work on what is called "Parts of Self" (no, not split personalities :-)) We all have parts of ourselves that pop up when needed and help us deal with our lives, or...

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Reynaud's Syndrome, a God Pop, & warm πŸ‘£πŸ˜

Jan 17, 2024

At the end of Mom’s life, I developed Reynaud’s Syndrome. I wondered if I was just picking up on her stuff as my body is wont to do:

but I’ve since learned that while...

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Best Memes of 2023!

Jan 15, 2024

Here we go! It's a big one! Feel free to share!

And because I was a little freaked out that this really did look so much...

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Stormy stories from the ranch β›ˆοΈπŸŒͺ️

Jan 13, 2024

Happy Saturday friends!

The sweet little video above just made my day. Not sure what this game is called…maybe I’ve Got the Ball and If You Try to Take it From Me I’ll Whap...

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I Love Lucy's 7th birthday is today!

Jan 09, 2024

Happy birthday to the sweetest, funniest, weirdest dog that is so much like me, it's kinda creepy

Little Lucy is from a Border Collie breeder (I know, gasp! Not a rescue?? OMG! Shame! Oh hush,...

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The hole they leave.

Jan 09, 2024

My brother Michael and I were talking this week and realized that we've both been coming to terms with a new piece of grief. For me it's been slow in coming but once I started talking about it, it...

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"Delicate" women.

Jan 03, 2024

I saw this just before Christmas and thought it odd and powerful and raw. I was raised in the evangelical Christian church and left when I was 20 to start my own life. That's when I left the church...

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That week between Christmas and New Year's

Jan 02, 2024

Ahhh...that week between Christmas and New Year', just so. much. food. I made fudge. What in the world was I thinking? I try not to eat much sugar in real life but we all know that that...

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Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„

Dec 23, 2023

Happy Saturday friends and Merry Christmas!

Here at the ranch, Christmas is dictated by ManChild because he's way smarter than we are. He likes to plan the day out ahead of time for maximum...

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