The Mother Ranch Blog

The horses are teaching me boundaries again😕

Mar 11, 2023

Yesterday Rayn asked me to come and take her out for a walk so we could hang out together. I've been feeling her wanting me lately and I feel the same. It's hard to be together when the geldings...

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The long journey of creating a Fairy Forest

Mar 04, 2023

Happy springy Saturday friends!

I always say spring is my favorite season of the year but then fall rolls around and I say the same thing But there is something special about spring, a feeling of...

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No Knead, One Rise, Gluten Free Parmesan Peasant Bread

Mar 03, 2023

This is a no knead, one rise, bake in the same bowl it rose in kind of bread. Easy to make. Promise.

I've had some requests for this recipe so here you go! I adapted it from Alexandra's Kitchen, I...

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Horse injuries, workshop dates, & a squirrely squirrel

Feb 25, 2023

During Friday morning chores I had a disturbing experience. I was going out to feed the goats and found a really wild little squirrel climbing around on the outside of the goat barn. When it...

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A Tiny Snip

Feb 18, 2023

I remember June 20th, 2021, the day before ManChild and I flew in from Colorado. B-Rad was already here, he and Josh had driven across the country in a crazy 36 hour trip in the truck with the...

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Is my dog on quaaludes? Fairy house workshops. Silly horses.

Feb 18, 2023

So, I did a thing. I put out feelers and it turns out, yep, yep, there are lots of other people out there who think creating fairy houses from hot glue and forest bits would be fun. So, a free...

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My donkey is mad at me 😂

Feb 11, 2023

Happy almost Valentine's Day! I’m thinking that a 20 year old, single, male stocker set this display up in my local grocery store, what do you think? Because who else would put that sign and...

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Handmade fairy houses, mud, & inappropriate memes!

Feb 04, 2023

Three years! Safe for three whole years! But alas, the plague found us—well, B-Rad anyway. Luckily this house has the perfect setup for covid and he was immediately quarantined. Two hours...

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The Cookie Loving Mini Donkey

Jan 28, 2023

One of the things that happens after a family member dies is that the family dynamics change. Everyone is grieving separately and together and often that grief looks different. One person may cry a...

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Do you sing to your dogs too?

Jan 21, 2023

Happy Saturday friends!

Remember how I promised last week that I would have more animal pictures? Starting with the dogs:

Yesterday I got out of bed and when I came back a few minutes later, I Love...

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