The Mother Ranch Blog

Have yourself a Mare-y Christmas ❤️

Dec 24, 2022

Mare-y Christmas! Haaaa! If you know, you know. If you don' glad! LOL, I kid! Mares are the best. Yes, they are opinionated in a way that a gelding (a fixed boy) typically isn't and they are...

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Screaming with laughter

Dec 17, 2022

Years ago I figured out how to be less worried about something.

I realized that one of the little things that always annoyed me was seeing pictures of myself. It was a rare occasion that I would...

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The Ugly Stage in Art and Grief

Dec 10, 2022

A couple of weeks ago I started a new painting and as I go through the stages of painting, I’m being reminded in every studio session about “the ugly stage.” The words themselves...

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Organizing as a coping mechanism—who knew?

Dec 03, 2022

My Mom's physical body is gone but she's all around me. I don't want to write about it and also I want to write about only it. Which means I do something else. Like organizing a drawer, cleaning a...

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New painting & 3 horse prints ready for Christmas delivery!

Nov 26, 2022

PRINT #1: Infinity Blue

Infinity Blue, acrylic, 20"x60"

This painting took me to unexpected places that I didn't, at the time, understand. Why was I feeling sadness, joy, frustration, silliness,...

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Love you Mom

Nov 19, 2022

The funeral was yesterday. It was a beautiful service, with a ton of people who loved her and Mom was all around us. I know she loved it so much I'll be back soon. I love you all and appreciate...

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Holding space.

Nov 12, 2022

Dear friends,

I feel all your love and prayers and energy pulsing all around us today (Friday) as we hold space for Mom's transition. Thank you all and keep it coming. I have so very many amazing...

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"I am power and light and love for infinity."

Nov 05, 2022

I was 8 and my brother Michael was 3 and my awesome mom took us out of school to go see the first Star Wars! What parent does that? My mom! I remember her quietly reading to my brother, "A long...

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Should I try the wild mushroom, or no?

Oct 29, 2022

Last weekend B-Rad and ManChild went to Chicago for a family wedding while I held down the farm. (We really need an adult stay-on-the-farm-sitter so we can go to these things together!) They both...

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A goat that is ok after all, sunning lizards, & fall flowers

Oct 22, 2022

I started off the week by heading out to the pasture for morning chores and was greeted by a squinty-eyed Piper the goat! What in the world? Some sort of weird infection? A piece of hay in her eye?...

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