Hi friends!
I've held off on talking about these until I knew for sure but seriously, I can't stop singing their praises to friends and family!
Have you heard of the Loop earplugs? They are small, light, fit flat inside your ear (don't stick out past your ear like those standard foam earplugs that make you look like Shrek)
They come with different sized tips (xs, s, m, lg) for the perfect fit (they even fit my little ear canals!), and this cute carrying case that fits anywhere, including the tiny so called "pockets" they give women's jeans.
They come in a few types for sleep or deep focus (called Quiet), noisy restaurants where it's hard to hear the person you're sitting across from (called Engage), and concerts/clubs (called Experience). I've had all three for over a month now and I'm hooked. I wear the Engage version in restaurants and it's pretty cool how they muffle the noise of the restaurant and at the same time make the person across from you suddenly come into focus, hearing wise. As someone with ADHD, it can be hard to focus on a single conversation with a friend when I'm in a noisy restaurant. These solve that issue for me!
While I'm not really a concert/club goer, the Experience version (those are the colorful ones in my hand above) are also useful for other loud places, movies (particularly action movies), some grocery stores, etc. Did you know that anything over 70 decibels can damage your hearing? Yikes. And the average movie theater is 74-104 decibels? Gack. I've always been over the top with my hearing, lots of things bug me (helloooo autism!) so these have been a godsend!
I wear the Quiet version most nights. This is the only version that doesn't have any technology in them, they are just an earplug. Since I moved into the loft upstairs and still don't have walls or a door (we are starting to talk more about what I want and how to do it though!) earplugs are nice to have. I've always hated the way they feel, until these! I can sleep on my side now and I don't even feel them! Wow!
No, I'm not getting paid but I can earn points for merchandise, so click here if you want to try them!
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