The Mother Ranch Blog

New Workshops and New Art!

May 13, 2023

In the world of fine art, the rule of thumb when an artist is working out a new style, is not to paint portraits of people you love. Since you know them in intimate detail, you're harder on...

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People doing the best they can plus NEW ART!

May 06, 2023
People do the best they can with the emotional capacity they have. 
My mantra for my experiences right now. 
I was talking to Dad this week and asked him if he was able to grieve...
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Everything, everywhere, all at once

Apr 29, 2023

My brother came this week and we navigated a lot of grief-y stuff together. We had a dinner with my Dad and his new fiancé (which brings a lot of emotions of course—at least she is...

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Spring Rainbows

Apr 21, 2023

Happy Springy Saturday Friends!

Funny things happen to me all the time: Last Friday I was coming home from getting takeout and when I parked the truck I found a tree frog sitting on my hood. It was...

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Lit up by the sun, joy in the face of grief.

Apr 15, 2023

It's the weekend and I'm feeling better!

This was a tough week. We hit the 5 month mark this week—5 months since Mom crossed over. I was just starting to feel like I had gotten over the hump...

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Controlled burn vs wildfire

Apr 08, 2023

By the time you read this, I'll be in Pittsburgh visiting my brother! I'm heading out Wednesday, April 5th and will be back on Sunday. I need it after this weekend. ManChild and B-Rad took a short...

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"Be aggressive" through the lens of a 2023 teen!

Apr 08, 2023

I was driving ManChild to school this week and asked him if they have pep rallies.

ManChild: I don't even know what that is...

Me: The whole school goes to the gym and the cheerleaders are...

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Hot flashes and fairy houses

Apr 01, 2023

This week I saw this awesome video of Drew Barrymore having her first hot flash on Jennifer Aniston's tv show (I didn't even know she had a show!) So, today I thought I'd talk about menopause If...

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Letting my weird light shine so the other weirdos know where to find me :-)

Mar 25, 2023

First of all, let's do a little close up of the picture above. Look at Denali!

Second, today is the first Fairy House Workshop! I'm excited to meet all the new people!

I'm working on a new habit....

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Giving away FIZZY JOY πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Mar 18, 2023

9 years ago I went through a strange spree: I baked ridiculously decadent cupcakes (that were secretly gluten free.) I gave them away to everyone I knew and even people I didn’t. It was...

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