The Mother Ranch Blog

Girl goat barn/pen is DONE! Plus a colic and pretty pics. What a week. (Newsletter)

Dec 04, 2021

 OMG you guys! Whoooohoooo! The girl goat barn and nighttime pen is OFFICIALLY DONE! Yes! Happy dance! It's fenced all the way around with wire knot/no climb horse fence which means baby goats...

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BABY GOAT snugglers needed in spring 2022! (newsletter)

Nov 20, 2021

This week we bred Charlotte! That's a fun way to start a newsletter isn't it? Charlotte has been with us a year now and will be a second time mom (first time for us though.) She was bred to Poppy...

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BABY GOATS are coming in April!!! & Newsletter

Nov 13, 2021

Last week I promised to take pictures of the goats I'm going to breed and it seems that's easier said than done. Not the greatest photos so I've added some older ones too. I will post about them as...

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A New Zineā€”A RAD mom's heart will never stop wanting connection

Nov 12, 2021

Some of you had asked what was going on with my daughter and her new transitional placement. I created this last week:




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We can do hard things (newsletter)

Nov 06, 2021

After a tough week of RAD sadness, I wrote this. The more I see and read in the Reactive Attachment Disorder/RAD world, the angrier I am. I want people to know what's going on. I want them to see...

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There is a clan of women... (Reactive Attachment Disorder/RAD)

Nov 05, 2021

A member of our clan was killed this week.
She was a good mom,
an advocate for her children.

There is a clan of women
with abusive children,
hiding underground.
You don’t see our black eyes and...

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In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Monthā€”living with an abusive child

Oct 27, 2021

She came into our home at 4 years old.
She was bright and sunny and funny and everyone who met her, loved her.
She crawled into friend's and family's and stranger’s laps grinning up at them,...

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The Rollercoaster of Caregiving and Self Care

Oct 23, 2021

This week I realized the severity of caregiver burn out in my dad (he’s been in caregiver mode for a year, culminating in my mom’s massive back surgery a few weeks ago) and...

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Broken Ankle AND Foot and a New Pastimeā€”Zines!

Oct 15, 2021

This week a broken ankle AND foot and a new little "zine" (a tiny handmade magazine.) I follow someone making these awhile back and was taken with the idea so I thought I'd try it. Scroll down...

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