The rescued baby deer is alive and well! ❤️

Jul 15, 2023

Happy Saturday friends!

Have you heard of "glimmers?" I just read something about the idea on facebook this week and am embracing the term!

A glimmer is the opposite of a trigger. Like a micro moment that makes you happier, a little moment of awe, something that makes you feel hope. Once you start looking for them and embracing them, your life feels so much sweeter.


As you know we helped to rescue a fawn almost 2 weeks ago. I've been wondering ever since if she was okay. On Thursday we found out! Check out the video above of her little family, she's the baby on the left. We know because it was her left ear that was injured and it's the left ear of this baby that is wonky now. I kind of hope it will stay that way, we'll always know who she is.

We are down to 3 goose babies now: a singleton for one family and twins for another. The two families have taken to hanging out together—a little tribe :-)

Speaking of tribes: I woke up from a dream about a friend. She was crying with heartburn pain and was going to have to go to the hospital. Instead of listening on the phone, I was suddenly there with her. She was lying down, flat on her back and looking terrified. I told her when I had heartburn I had to sit up, not lie flat. I reached down with my hand, she reached up, and I pulled her up to a sitting position. She looked up at me, took a slow, deep breath, and smiled, “Ok, I feel better. I’m ok.”

I woke up and heard, “On the Border and Untethered.” Like it was a title. I waited. There had to be more right?

I thought about the dream and how my friend was on the edge of something scary and was without a tether: an in person friend, a support. I was suddenly there in person and she received my help.

So I started thinking about that and asked myself: What am I on the edge of and do I feel untethered too?

Last night I went to dinner with the daughters of my heart. My stepdaughter Nichole and my now ex-daughter in law Kate. I’ve lived here 2 years and with Covid and Mom being so sick I rarely saw them—but that’s changing. I thought it was interesting timing to be thinking about being untethered.

I have always had family support, thank goodness. But feeling untethered to me is about not yet having my tribe. I had one in Colorado and am very slowly creating it here too. I'm often finding women who, like me, are looking for their tribe: that group of women who love each other, support each other, have each others backs. If we're lucky we have a few friends that fit the bill but it seems we are all looking for a larger group. It feels like our lizard brains remember being in a larger community of women. We want that. We need that.

And we are tired of some our tethers being the ones that bind and gag.

In my coaching sessions with women, the horses, donkey, or goats will often subtly point out a blocked throat chakra—from those ties that bind and gag. The client can’t give voice to the pain but when the animals point it out, the tears fall. That gives us an opening to help find her voice. To let the first painful words whisper out:
My mom always told me I wasn’t good enough.
My dad never wanted me, he wanted a boy.
Or a wife who realized that her tether to her spouse is strangling her instead of supporting her. That she has been walking on eggshells for a very long time.

I guess my question for myself (and you too, if you’re interested): Are our tethers creating a lifeline for us or a noose?


It's so wet here that the mat at my office doormat is growing a plant!

Shrooms around the farm:

These little red ones were so tiny! Those are pine needles around them so you can imagine the sizes!


I'll never get enough of Sweetness and his smooth coat ❤️ Just a tiny bit of forehead fluff left!

Speaking of fluff! The Polar Bear's bestie Bonnie came and brushed a mound of hair out of her:

Wynter, practicing being loose:

The Polar Bear loves her boy:

With all the storms lately, this is pretty much all we've seen of I Love Lucy:

The July Fairy House Workshop was this week, a lot of kids this time!

This kiddo even decorated the inside, she was super creative!

This is the one I finished in the workshop (see the frog in the white circle checking out her new home?)
I made a little scaffolding to hold the nest to the top:

Remember how I mentioned my 8 year old iMac died last week? B-Rad thought he might be able to fix it so he took it apart—just one of the million things he knows how to do. But sadly it was truly gone. The lawn mower bit the dust too but luckily that is fixable!

Makes my heart happy to see clouds like this:

Panoramic shot from my driveway (no, the white barn is not mine darn it!):

I was visiting my Aunt Katy and spotted this sweet little fairy land in her front yard:

Propagation central around here! I saw a YouTube video awhile back that said when you're at a Home Depot kind of place, pick up the succulent leaves on the ground. Tell the cashier that you did. Bring them home and let them "harden off" aka let the end that was attached to the plant seal over. There are several ways of trying to get them to root after that. This one I stuck in the dirt and left it alone. It had BABIES!!! And get this: baby succulents are called..."pups!" Awwwwwww...

The magical 3rd generation (it was my Grandma's) African Violet. So pretty:

I found some options to keep the humidity up for her children. I want to find some pretty pots to keep in there next:

And for the one that actually has leaves I happened to have this glass dome on a little metal stand. Those itty bitty leaves makes me happy:


If you haven't watched Yellowstone yet, go, do it. Immediately. You're welcome :-)

I have friends who really need this one this week:



Thinking about starting or continuing the journey of self discovery? Let's talk!

Here's the info and you can have all three!:

Equine Gestalt Coaching Sessions ($125/hr but $25 off your first session)

NeurOptimal Neurofeedback ($70/45 min but half off your first session)

Reiki Sessions (contact me directly) ($90/hr but half off your first session)


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