Happy Saturday friends!
This is the week, whew, it's a hard one for me. September 12th was Mom's birthday and this is our second without her. I was fine on Monday but Tuesday arrived with panic and tears. It took me most of the day to realize all that this week holds.
A good memory amidst the crud:
September 12th is also:
My daughter's "gotcha day" (the day she came home from Ethiopia.) While she is no longer in our lives, the memories (nearly all of them bad) are still there. You can read an article I wrote about Reactive Attachment Disorder here.
It's also the day my sweet Rayn came home to us. This is my first gotcha day without her and another new year of firsts: first gotcha day without her, first birthday, first Christmas. My facebook memories are filled with pictures of the day she arrived at the boarding facility (a few years before we bought our first farm), here are a few—ManChild was just 5 years old here:
Conrad, a sweet little Morgan gelding that I leased before I bought Rayn:
Raynie thought it would be good for me to see her healthy and happy and wanted me to share a video of her and all the other horses at the Colorado Mother Ranch running and playing. Check it out here!
Whew. A lot of feelings.
This year I didn't plant annuals in my pots out front. I kept meaning to but spring got away from me with crazy health issues and then it was too hot. A couple of my Mums came back and then the Begonia decided to pop up a baby without any help from me and over the summer it became this huge beauty:
It's so cool to have a little area on the farm that is sheltered enough to produce unexpected joy :-)
Here's another one:
The little creatures were out in full force this week, helping me to smile:
As well as a wild Clematis:
It just seemed the farm wanted to remind me of all the good, all the beauty that surrounds me everyday. A misty morning:
The feathers on the Pampas Grass at night:
And on September 12th the sunrise looked like this, a little gift from Mom and Rayn:
Friday brought buckets of rain and cool looking wet bark on the Japanese Maple:
I spent a lot of time painting this week. This one makes me smile! It's a 12x16" mixed media and I'm calling it Protect the Dreamers:
Remember how last week I told you I wanted to run some live art classes online this fall and I asked if you wouldn't mind taking a short survey about what kinds of art you might like to learn? The free survey I used only allowed 10 responses and then asked for an upgrade to paid. Arrrgh. I posted a new one here. If you've already responded, thank you! It does ask for your email. If you're receiving this newsletter, you are already in my system and it will not enter your email into my system twice :-) The survey link is here, and this is what you'll be choosing from:
Remember! From August 23rd to September 23rd I'm offering half off neurofeedback for all new clients! $35 instead of $70! Call, text, or email me if you'd like to give it a try!
Also, I'm moving towards a daytime option for a second Women's Circle (along with the Wednesday night group) and also an online version. I'm thinking possibly Monday mornings for the in-person but I'm not yet sure about the day for the online version. If you haven't contacted me about wanting to join either of those, please do: Call, text, or email me!
Thinking about starting or continuing the journey of self discovery? Let's talk!
Click each link for more info:
Equine Gestalt Coaching Sessions ($125 for an hour)
NeurOptimal Neurofeedback ($70 for 45 min)
Reiki Sessions ($90 for an hour)
•••Purchase originals and prints of my artwork, like this one๐๐ฝ
Purchase tees and hoodies with my artwork, like this one๐๐ฝ
The Mother Ranch on YouTube or see my most recent video here!
Thank you for reading :-)
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