The Mother Ranch Blog

What is Autism?, Part 1

Apr 11, 2024

This week I received the results from my mini autism assessment (1.5 hours vs 4 hours.) I’m 54 and can create my own accommodations. Not sure if I will get the 4 hour version—I...

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OMG! Is she pregnant too? 🐐

Mar 30, 2024

Happy Saturday friends!

When I was a kid, adults called me picky.

I was a picky eater from the early days. Mom used to talk about how I wouldn’t eat much of anything when I was a...

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Balancing Act

Mar 09, 2024

**I have two sliding scale coaching spots available this coming week, contact me if you have something you'd like a little help working out!**

Happy Saturday friends!

Remember how I recently wrote...

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Parts, masking, & neurodiversity πŸ§ πŸ’ž

Jan 18, 2024

In Gestalt coaching we sometimes work on what is called "Parts of Self" (no, not split personalities :-)) We all have parts of ourselves that pop up when needed and help us deal with our lives, or...

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Why "Neurodiversity?"

Dec 12, 2023

Sometimes it’s hard to come into a new learning space and bump up against vocabulary that doesn’t make sense yet, or worse, rubs you the wrong way.

When I first started the Equine...

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