My Brain is a Fun Sponge

Aug 25, 2021

So interesting how our brains work. 

I have a huge claw foot tub in my new house. I’m 5’7” and I can stretch out fully with only my head out of the water. It’s luxurious. I’ve found that the best time for me to take a bath is in the early morning, just roll out of bed half asleep, turn on the water, brush my teeth, grab a towel, and climb in and spend an hour waking up ever so gently. 

Sometimes I stare into space, sometimes I meditate, sometimes I read or listen to music, sometimes, like today, I type a blog or journal entry into my phone (good morning from the tub! πŸ‘‹πŸ›). Whatever I do it’s becoming a favorite part of my day!

However… (How can there be a “however” about this story?)

The past two days I did some energy work on myself in the bath. Lovely. But somewhere in there my brain took a left turn, “Ah. I see. You are giving yourself something nice every day. Good for you (pats me on the head in a condescending way as only a brain can do) Hmmm…I’m not sure that’s okay…should you be spending time doing this?”

“Um, well, yes…? I think it’s okay…? It’s such a nice way to wake up…”

“It’s unneeded and wasteful.”

“We have a well so we aren’t paying for it except for heating the water...”

“Ha! Who cares about your MONEY! I’m taking about wasting EARTH’S resources! You are WASTING water!!!”

“But we do all the other stuff, LED lights, recycling, one of our cars is electric!”

“You could always do more don’t you think? For the earth…”

“Oh, sure, well, we can always do more… but it is so relaxing…”

“Don’t you think you relaxed enough while you were asleep? I mean, come ON…”

“But this is extra nice, sleep is a necessity and...”

Interrupting with a snort, “Oh sure, 8 hours is a “necessity.”

And when I finally recognize what’s going on and tell my brain to eff off, I deserve it and it's important to me, it goes quiet for 2.5 seconds before it sneakily latches onto the next funbusting activity. 

“I like this energy work you’re doing on us.”

“Yeah? Me too!”

“So good to clear up the old bod every day.”


“I mean, with the pandemic, lots of germs and stress vibes and all…”

“For sure.”

“You should probably set aside bath time and do this everyday.”

“Mmmmmm…what? Yeah, sure, use this time wisely…”

Giggling under its breath my brain said, “Got ya!”

That one took me 24 hours to realize.

I don’t have to use this time wisely. I don’t have to do anything but enjoy this time however I see fit. There are no “shoulds” in self-care. There is no “using time wisely” in self-care. Doing nice things for ourselves IS a necessity if we want to be healthy.

Also, I’m going back to neurofeedback because my brain needs some care too. It’s being so “extra” right now.

May you be able to turn your brain off for some time today and just enjoy something you love with no strings attached.

Love to all from the Mother Ranch,


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